Current Needs

If you would like to inquire about any of these jobs, now or for the future, send email to our volunteer coordinators at

Book Fair

We are looking for people to co-coordinate the book fair.  If you’re interested, please email Read more…

Cultural Enrichment

We are currently seeking a co-chair to help organize this series of events.

Ice Cream Social and Cake Walk

The Douglas Ice Cream Social is a popular and well-loved event for all ages. The event will be held on Friday, October 23. Read more…

School Picture Day Volunteers

We are requesting volunteers to help children prepare for their photos and to assist the photographers with forms at the upcoming photo day on October 14, 2016. Please contact the picture day Read more…

Snack Cart Program

We are seeking a co-chair for this project, as well as other parent volunteers to help throughout the year.  Assemble snack cart in lobby, help students select and purchase their snacks. Read more…