The google form previously used for Safe Arrival has now been disabled. All notifications of tardiness, absences and dismissal changes must be put through the new Pickup Patrol site. See below for instructions and further information.
The safety of your child is very important to us. We have moved to a new online app called Pickup Patrol (PUP). PUP will provide you with a convenient way to make changes to your child’s dismissal plans, report absences and tardiness. Most importantly, it will help us ensure that our students are safely dismissed to their correct after-school destinations.
The PickUp Patrol app will be used for:
ATTENDANCE: To notify the school office when your child will be absent, arriving late or leaving early.
DISMISSAL CHANGES: To submit changes to your child’s regular dismissal plans.
For example:
Your child normally rides the bus, but is getting picked up today.
Your child is staying after for an activity.
To ensure that every student is accounted for each school day, parents must submit an absence/tardy entry in the Pickup Patrol System (preferred) or call the Safe Arrival hotline (978-266-2566) by 9:00 am if your child will be absent or late. You may access Pickup Patrol (PUP) at this link. If you do not have an account in the PUP system, please email the Douglas School Office at